Strong love for teaching and Shared learning
Dr. Cox Edmondson has gained the reputation for setting a very high bar and pushing learners to excel beyond their comfort zone. She gives real-time feedback so the recipient can immediately get back on track rather than continue down a path that does may not yield optimal results or a path that will require significant effort to turn things around.
In group sessions, specifically when organizational learning is an objective, both positive and negative feedback is openly shared because it is an opportunity to give specific direction on how to improve and allow participants to learn from each other’s successes and missteps. It’s not about saving face in front of your peers. Set your pride aside and position yourself and others to succeed. Additional individual feedback will also be shared as necessary.
Five Fundamental Objectives:
Offer insights on why strategic plans fail, why they succeed, and what can be done to turn a failing plan around.
Explore management theory and analyses, and explain how such can be applied to a specific business.
Isolate the role (s) that different stakeholders play in the strategic management process and enhance their influence on business strategy.
Provide trusted insights on how to leverage a competitive advantage to exceed performance objectives.
Develop thinking strategists who are poised to advance to top management.